In the summer, and especially on those days when the temperature exceeds 30 degrees above zero and the shady side of the streets does not protect from the heat, one of the most popular products is ice cream. TUT.BY conducted a tasting of perhaps the most common type of ice cream - ice cream. Having purchased seven types of cold treats, we asked four independent tasters to rate them blindly.
The ice cream purchased for tasting - ice cream in a cup - is practically in the same price category: on average about nine thousand rubles per serving. In total, the list of competitors included: three types of Gomel product - “Nashe”, “I-s” and “1st A”; Brest "Yukki"; “20 kopecks” from the Minsk region; two Russian ice creams: “Bodraya Korova” and “Real ice cream 15%”. The cheapest ice cream is “Nashe” - 70 grams for 6700, the most expensive of all is the Russian “Real ice cream 15%” - 9800, but for 100 grams.
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So, let's start tasting. Having assigned each glass its own serial number and cut each ice cream into four parts, we seated our volunteers Tatyana, Irina, Yulia and Evgeniy at the table. The first number was the Russian “Bodraya Korova”. “Low-fat, medium density, nice ice cream,” Tatyana described the dessert. Irina, on the contrary, did not like ice cream. Yulia and Evgeniy supported Tatyana and agreed that the first issue was “quite ice cream.”
The next competitor was the Gomel “Ay-s”. - Greasy and unpleasant. “Too sweet,” all four said almost unanimously. The only plus was the waffle cup. Number 3 was "1st A". By all accounts, this ice cream turned out to be better than the first two. True, Yulia found the ice cream a little bitter. — For an ice cream, it has a good smooth taste, somewhat greasy, but this is not critical. The only thing is that the glass is not as rosy as I would like,” Irina shared.
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The fourth copy received the most criticism. This is another Russian product - “Real ice cream 15%”. - Fatty, very porous and cloyingly sweet ice cream. With a burnt crust on the glass and an unpleasant aftertaste of the smell of sunflower oil. Definitely the worst of all,” Tatyana said.
But ice creams No. 5 and No. 6 received the greatest praise. - In terms of color, consistency, fat content - absolutely everything is good. It reminded me of the taste of childhood, I liked it more than all the previous ones,” Yulia did not hide her compliments to number 5, under which the Yucca ice cream was hidden.
But still, the “ice cream” of all, according to the majority of tasters, was contestant No. 6 - “20 kopecks” ice cream. It was he who was recognized as the most ideal among the seven. — The color of the cup, the taste of the ice cream - everything is great. “Perhaps this is a clear winner,” Irina praised the ice cream. Evgeniy summed it up briefly: “Delicious ice cream, but nothing more.”
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The last ice cream that our company of sweet tooths appreciated was ice cream No. 7 - “Nashe” from the Gomel ice cream factory. The tasters weren't too happy with it. — Plastic, with an unpleasant, pronounced vanilla taste. Plus it's sickly sweet. It’s not the worst, but it doesn’t even reach the level of a real ice cream,” Irina concluded.
Let's sum it up: of the seven ice creams, our four recognized the ice cream “20 kopecks”, “Yukki” and “1st A” as the most delicious.
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