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Time goes by - the prizes fly away!

  • News
  • 21 june 2017

Time is ticking - the prizes are flying away!

On June 20, the first drawing of the Advertising Game “We love, we know, of course, we play!” took place!

The winners of the first category prizes were:

First category prize: Watch

  • 0058719 Ryabaya Evelina Fedorovna Minsk
  • 0020165 Kugach Vladislav Andreevich Brest
  • 0062590 Perlov Ivan Andreevich Gorodok

First category prize: Xiaomi Redmi smartphone

  • 0023708 Polonevich Svetlana Nikolaevna Minsk
  • 0062340 Alekseenko Natalya Aleksandrovna Mogilev
  • 0007518 Volkova Svetlana Yuryevna Osipovichi

First category prize: FujiFilm Instax Mini camera

  • 0066413 Mikulsky Andrey Ivanovich Minsk
  • 0049876 Novikova Tatyana Sergeevna Gomel
  • 0035838 Savdotenko Alla Albertovna Vitebsk

The winners of the second and third category prizes can be found on the website here.