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About brand

Chebureks and cheburellis, familiar from childhood.

The history of the company's development began with the production of chebureks under the Cheburechye trademark with various meat and vegetable fillings, which to this day are invariably popular among customers.

Juicy fillings made from quality ingredients. Convenient packaging formats for individual and family consumption. The new bright packaging style reflects the unique atmosphere of former times and emphasizes the favorite taste of juicy chebureks.
«CHEBURECHE» cheburek with cheese and mushrooms
«CHEBURECHE» cheburek with cheese and mushrooms
«CHEBURECHE» cheburek with potatoes and mushrooms
«CHEBURECHE» cheburek with potatoes and mushrooms
«CHEBURECHE» cheburek with lamb
«CHEBURECHE» cheburek with lamb
«CHEBURECHE» cheburek «Appetizing» with meat
«CHEBURECHE» cheburek «Appetizing» with meat